11 December 2006
Istana Pagaruyung Batu Sangkar

Setelah seminggu memberi materi pelatihan di kampus politani tercinta, para narasumber yang didatangkan dari smile group jogya, diajak jalan-jalan oleh panitia. Salah satu tempat kunjungan mereka adalah istana pagaruyung Batu Sangkar.
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 5:45 PM   0 comments
Ingin Belajar Komputer Gratis????
Silakan anda kunjungi situs ilmukomputer ini. Lengkap lo....
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 4:39 PM   0 comments
07 December 2006
Pelatihan Jaringan Internet dan Web Disain
Tidak cukup dengan mengikuti pelatihan Disain Grafisdi Smile Jogja minggu lalu. Minggu ini dari tgl 5-8 Desember 2006 saya juga mengikuti pelatihan Web Disain di Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan atas kerjasama Due Like Batch III dan PCPT UPT Komputer dan SIM.
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 10:26 AM   0 comments
Pelatihan MS Office Untuk Guru SLTP dan SLTA
Mulai tgl 8 - 10 Desember 2006 di Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh akan dilaksanakan pelatihan Bimbingan dan Peningkatan Kemampuan Komputerisasi Guru-guru SLTA dan SLTP se Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Pada kegiatan pelatihan tersebut kebetulan saya akan memberikan materi tentang Aplikasi Microsoft Word. Modul pelatihan tersebut akan ditampilkan pada blog saya ini. Menurut Ibu Ir. Andi Eviza, yang juga sebagai Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Politani Negeri Payakumbuh, pelatihan ini akan diikuti oleh 24 Orang. Selain Micrososft Word juga akan diberikan materi MS Excel, PowerPoint, dan Pengenalan Internet.

Acara pembukaan pelatihan yang dilaksanakan di ruang D, pada hari jumat tgl 8 Desember 2006 dihadiri oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Nasional Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Bpk. Ir. Nadri Hamzah, M.Si. Sedangkan dari pimpinan Politeknik Pertanian, selain dihadiri oleh Kepala P3M juga dihadiri oleh Pembantu Direktur I Ibu Ir. Gusmalini, M.Si.

posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 9:55 AM   0 comments
02 December 2006
Semen Dari Sampah
Jepang, sebuah negeri penuh inovasi. Mungkin sebutan itu sesuai dengan bagaimana jepang menangani masalah sampah. Setelah berhasil membuat sebuah airport berkelas internasional di Kobe yang dibuat diatas lapisan sampah, lalu menerapkan pembuatan pupuk dari sampah di berbagai hotel di jepang, kini jepang telah berhasil mengubah sampah menjadi produk semen yang kemudian dinamakan dengan ekosemen.

Artikel selengkapnya
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 11:07 AM   0 comments
01 December 2006
Fragments an ancient computer
ATHENS, Greece - Imagine tossing a top-notch laptop into the sea, leaving scientists from a foreign culture to scratch their heads over its corroded remains centuries later. A Roman shipmaster inadvertently did something just like it 2,000 years ago off southern Greece, experts said late Thursday.

They claim to have identified a handful of puzzling metal scraps found in the wreck as the earliest known mechanical computing device that pinpointed astronomical events.

Known as the Antikythera Mechanism — from the island off which the Roman ship sank — the assemblage of cogs and wheels looks like the innards of a very badly maintained grandfather clock.

Only the first clockwork devices appeared more than a thousand years later in western Europe.

"It was a pocket calculator of the time," said astronomer John Seiradakis.

Seiradakis, a professor of astronomy at the University of Thessaloniki, was among an international team including British, Greek and U.S. scientists who used specially developed x-ray scanning and imaging technology to analyze the corroded bronze, revealing hidden machinery and a form of written user's manual.

"We have used the latest technology available to understand this mechanism, yet the technological quality in this mechanism puts us to shame," said project leader Mike Edmunds, professor of astronomy at Cardiff University. "If the ancient Greeks made this, what else could they do?"

Ever since its discovery a century ago, the complex mechanism has baffled scientists.

Edmunds said the 82 surviving fragments, dated to between 140-100 B.C, contain over 30 gear wheels, and "are covered with astronomical, mathematical and mechanical inscriptions."

"It was a calendar of the moon and sun, it predicted the possibility of eclipses, it showed the position of the sun and moon in the zodiac, the phase of the moon, and we believe also it may have shown the position of some of the planets, possibly just Venus and Mercury," he said.

The box-shaped mechanism — the size of office paper and operated with a hand-crank — could predict an eclipse to a precise hour on a specific day.

"The design of the mechanism is very wonderful, making us realize how highly technological the ancient Greek civilization was. Much more so perhaps than we thought," Edmunds said.

The new study of the ancient device, with the aid of Hewlett Packard and the British x-ray equipment maker X-Tek, more than doubled the amount of the inscriptions readable on the mechanism.

"We will not yet be able to answer the question of what the mechanism was for, although now we know what the mechanism did," Edmunds said.

The first comparable devices known in the west were clockwork clocks developed during the Middle Ages.

The Antikythera device was probably made on the island of Rhodes, which had a long tradition in astronomy and applied mechanics.

The sunken ship, thought to have been carrying plunder from Roman-conquered Greece to Rome, is believed to have sailed from Rhodes.

It sank in the first century B.C.

The wreck was found in 1900 by Greek sponge-divers 50 meters (164 feet) deep and just off the small island of Antikythera, on what is still a busy trade route between southern mainland Greece and Crete.

A systematic search of the wreck revealed a group of bronze and badly weathered marble statues, as well as the Antikythera Mechanism, in what remained of its original wooden casing.

All the finds — including wine jars, pottery, silver coins and plates — are now at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 10:47 AM   0 comments
Pelatihan Instansi di SMILEGROUP Jogja
Minggu ini dari tanggal 27 November sampai 2 Desember 2006 saya mengikuti pelatihan tentang Teknologi Informasi di Smile Group Jogjakarta. Selain saya yang berasal dari Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh. juga ada beberapa peserta dari Instansi lain dari berbagai daerah. Ada yang dari Sumbawa, Bangka, Cianjur, dan dari Jawa Timur. Sebenarnya kami dari Politeknik Pertanian Payakumbuh ada sebanyak 5 orang yang mengikuti pelatihan di Smile Group. Tapi yang lainnya mengikuti pelatihan tanggal 22-26 Desember 2006. Saya sengaja menyusul kemudian karena mencari waktu agar tidak mengganggu jadwal perkuliahan.

Minggu depan tepatnya tanggal 4 Desember narasumber dari SMILE Group sengaja diundang ke Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh untuk mengisi pelatihan Desain Web dan pelatihan untuk Jaringan Komputer. Dari SMILE Group yang berangkat 3 orang, yaitu Mr. Isnaini, Mr. Sumantri, dan Mr. Agus. Dengan kehadiran para TA dari SmileGroup Jogya ini nantinya diharapkan perkembangan Teknologi Informasi di Politeknik Pertanian Semakin baik.

Ada kesan menarik dari pelaksanaknaan pelatihan di smile group jogja, yaitu selain mengikuti pelatihan yang selalu "duduk" di depan komputer, juga dirancang rangkaian untuk wisata un tuk menghilangkan kejenuhan. Kami sudah pergi ke alun-alun selatan jogya, sudah mencoba beberapa menu untuk makan malam, dan terakhir kemaren pergi wisata ke Candi Borobudur. Insya Allah nanti ada kegiatan makan malam dan karokean. Besok jam 12 pelatihan selesai. Saya berencana pulang ke Payakumbuh naik Kereta Api Eksekutif dari Jogya ke Jakarta dan Melanjutkan Perjalanan ke Payakumbuh dengan Adam Air. Karean Senin tgl 4 Des saya suda mulai nagajar lagi.
posted by Harmailis Chaniago @ 9:24 AM   0 comments
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Politeknik Pertanian Universitas Andalas, merupakan program diploma 3 vokasional yang terdapat di Tanjung Pati, Lima Puluh Kota Terdiri dari 3 jurusan dan 8 Program Studi.

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